I'll admit, I didn't doubt the tangle teezer's effectiveness but I definitely had some reservations. I mean, it fits in my hand and the "teeth" are very small! How good could it be? Uhm, crazy good!
I used it in the shower after applying conditioner and I could feel the "teeth" on my scalp, it was like heaven! I hadn't washed my hair in a good bit so I thought there would be hell to pay, but it was surprisingly easy and therapeutic to go through with the tangle teezer. I also used it to distribute my leave-in after my wash/condition and I seemed to have less shrinkage after using it.
I found that the tangle teezer tremendously helped my bushy ends because apparently those little "teeth" really get in there! I put my Shea moisture curl enhancing smoothie in and followed with the tangle teezer. It left my hair REALLY smooth and my ends more uniform than usual. Its been about a week since the last time I used the tangle teezer and my ends are still good! My hair also feels considerably softer.
I didn't loose much hair during the "teezing" process either. In fact, there was almost none by the third time I used it. The short flexible teeth of the tangle teezer made it fairly easy to glide through my hair. I also loaned it to my roommate who has mid-back length relaxed hair (and a lot of new growth) after she had worn her hair out after a wash. It worked fine on her hair too!
Needless to say, I'm done with my wide tooth comb.
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